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PDNETwork is the platform which hosts the NET Section’s online workshops for English language teachers in the Education Bureau, Hong Kong. To visit the PDNETwork platform, click on

There are many workshops covering a range of topic areas. Each year, more topics will be added.

Click on the links below for more information about how to register to PDNETwork, how to enrol for online workshops, and details about the learning programme.

Information sheet






Information sheet 1A: Online Learning for English Teachers


Introduces all PDNETwork users to the website, registration and enrolment and the learning/accreditation procedures, and more


All teachers and school leaders


Information sheet 1B: Changing from Gorilla PD


Explains the transition from Gorilla PD to PDNETwork


Teachers who were registered initially on Gorilla PD


Information sheet 2: Workshops by Topic Area


Assists teachers and teams to identify workshops relevant to their individual and team professional goals


All teachers and school leaders


Information sheet 3: New to the NET Scheme


Identifies the foundation workshops for all new EDB NETs, to be completed within two years, so as to be aligned to the philosophy, policies and programmes of the NET Section


All NETs new to EDB


Information sheet 4: CPD for PLPR-W and KIP Teachers


Explains which workshops serve as the CPD for PLP-R/W and KIP 


Teachers who are new to PLP-R/W and KIP schools and teach one or both programmes


Information sheet 5:



Information sheet 6: Seven School PDNETwork success strategies and school stories


Describes seven success strategies embraced by schools to help all English teachers complete PDNETwork online workshops, including seven brief Hong Kong school case studies


School leaders, curriculum leaders and teachers 

Information sheet 7: Claiming PD hours after completing a PDNETwork workshop

Explains the process for teachers to claim professional development (PD) hours for PDNETwork workshops

Teachers and school administration

Information sheet 8: List of workshops

Lists all PDNETwork online workshops to date, with an overview of the workshop content

All educators







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