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About the Competition


The video submission demonstration video is available to assist teachers with the procedure. 

Please click
here or the image above to view it. 

*** The video submission deadline is 20 February 2025 (Thu). There will be no extension.


The Once Upon A Book Storytelling Competition 2024/25 is organised by the Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Section, Curriculum Development Institute (CDI), Education Bureau and supported by the Hong Kong Public Libraries (HKPL) of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD).

Aim and Objectives

The aim of the Once Upon A Book Storytelling Competition is to promote reading, as reading extensively provides students with powerful learning opportunities and contributes to whole-person development.

The objectives of the competition are to provide students with the opportunities to:

  • explore diverse narratives, characters, ideas, and emotions through reading;
  • express themselves freely, confidently, and creatively in English by sharing their passion for reading a book of their choice using a range of storytelling techniques;
  • develop their communication skills and creativity through a thoughtful video presentation of a book; and
  • cultivate values and attitudes through their engagement with books and storytelling.


Description of the Competition

The Once Upon A Book Storytelling Competition encourages a community-wide engagement with reading and storytelling. It is open to primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong in the public sector, including schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS schools). The competition encourages and rewards both whole school participation and individual submissions. Participants can work individually or in pairs to create and present a storytelling video based on a chosen book. 

The competition has four divisions from KS1 to KS4. (See table below for details.) 


Length of video 

School awards for most active participation (awarded in each division) 

OUB Live Unplugged individual nominations and awards 



2-3 mins 

  • OUB Super Readers Award: based on the total number of entries
  • OUB Title Titans Award: based on the total number of different titles
  • Schools can nominate up to 2 video entries, either from the same division or from different divisions. 
  • In each division, 10 video entries will be shortlisted, and those students will be invited to perform in the Once Upon a Book Live Unplugged event.  
  • Prizes will be awarded in each division. 





3-4 mins 



Refer to the table below for an overview of the competition awards and prizes.



Prizes for each award

School Awards

(to be awarded to one school in each division)


  • OUB Super Readers Award (KS1-KS4)


  • OUB Title Titans Award (KS1-KS4)

Winning Primary Schools:

  • Trophy
  • Visit to schools by the “Library on Wheels” of the HKPL, accompanied by storytelling activities organised by the NET Section


Winning Secondary Schools:

  • Trophy
  • Storytelling training sessions for student presenters organised by the NET Section
  • Performance sessions for student presenters at HKPL library community outreach events

e-Certificates will be given to all students/pairs who submit a video entry

Individual/Pair Awards at the OUB Live Unplugged events (to be awarded in each division)


First Prize

  • Trophy and Certificate(s) of Award
  • $800 in book coupons
  • Performance in the English storytelling programme of the HKPL

Second Prize

  • Trophy and Certificate(s) of Award 
  • $600 in book coupons

Third Prize

  • Trophy and Certificate(s) of Award
  • $400 in book coupons

Merit (x2)

  • Certificate(s) of Merit
  • $200 in book coupons

Tickets to Ocean Park will be given to all students/pairs that are shortlisted to compete in the OUB Live Unplugged event

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