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DTS Programme Information

A text set is a collection of materials, usually created by the teacher (or a media specialist), composed of diverse resources on a specific subject matter, genre or theme.  Text sets can include information from online sources or can be print-based, and a good text set offers materials at various reading levels (Lent, 2012).

DTS is a real-life literacy programme with the goal of investigating the design and use of text sets to inform and support the development of effective strategies to enhance students' literacy development. The design/development of text sets is in line with the latest trend of curriculum development in Hong Kong, especially the focus on promoting reading across the curriculum, e-learning, self-directed learning and effective assessment strategies.


Lent, R. C. (2012). Overcoming Textbook Fatigue: 21st Century Tools to Revitalize Teaching and Learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD


To find out more about this programme, please visit the DTS Programme mini-site here.

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