Units of Work (Workshops)
The KIP units of work are called ‘workshops’ as they aim to fulfil the 40% English workshop per week required by the English Language Curriculum Guide (2004). A “workshop” involves students actively learning through interactive activities, peer interaction, authentic texts, and meaningful tasks.
Which Unit to Choose?
The units may be taught as stand-alone units. However, the writing units require the parallel reading unit to be taught first.
- Each KIP reading workshop lasts for a minimum of 3 single lessons, with optional supplementary material to extend the unit.
- Each KIP writing workshop lasts for a minimum of 3 double lessons following the pre-requisite reading workshop.
Ideally, teaching more than one unit will reinforce the focus content, e.g. text types, text grammar, syntax, reading and writing strategies, vocabulary.
P4, P5 or P6
The units were designed for P4, P5 and P6. However, the topics, content and strategies taught in the units are transferrable across year levels. Teachers are invited to look beyond the designated year level of the unit when seeking inspiration.
Using the Units
Units are designed to be taught by one teacher. However they do require planning and preparation.
The ‘Contents’ page shows the detailed support within — co-planning advice, preparation instructions, lesson plans, student and teacher resources, teacher information sheets, supplementary worksheets, textbook adaptation advice, and assessment advice.
Teachers may also plunder the student and teacher resources, e.g. worksheets in the units, to support their own school programme.
The 34 units, in digital format, can be accessed via your Advisory Teacher. To identify which may interest you, click on “Units of Work (Workshops) Sequences and Overviews” on the left side menu, and study the P4, P5 and P6 PDF attachments.
Borrowing KIP Books
The advisory teacher can assist loans if the school requires the focus book for the unit. For example, The Fun Bus unit requires the big book of the same name, and Do Buses Eat Kids unit requires a poetry anthology book.
For more information about the units and text types, see the KIP Teacher Manual: Section 4.
To enhance the teaching content, teachers can exercise their professional judgment and consult relevant scholarly work when adopting the learning and teaching resources prepared by educators and other teachers. In support of the implementation of the English Language Education KLA Curriculum, teachers can also select appropriate parts of the resources for classroom learning or extended learning based on pedagogical consideration and the learning needs of students.