Process Writing Resources
Process Writing
KIP units of work (workshops) are designed around the stages of process writing — pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.
Each stage requires different writing skills to be taught or practised, and different teaching strategies (such as modelled writing, shared writing, interactive writing, and guided writing). This reflects authentic writing and ends with a meaningful purpose for the final written task.
The emphasis is as much on the process as on the product. The KIP process writing posters can be used by teachers to model using the writing process, and for students to self-direct their learning.
Interactive and Cooperative Writing
Interactive writing is the joint composing of written text through a cooperative event between the teacher and students, or by students in small groups.
The teacher uses the interactive writing session to model/share reading and writing strategies as he or she engages students in creating text. The teacher demonstrates concepts about text structure and text grammar, and collaboratively develops writing strategies and explores how words work. In group writing (including guided writing for ability groups), students use writing frames and graphic organisers to write. The goal of interactive writing is that the skills learned will transfer to students’ independent writing.
The units use a range of cooperative learning strategies (which are supported by cooperative learning posters):
- three-step interview
- cooperative numbered head together
- cooperative retelling
- cooperative round table
- cooperative round table (pair work)
- cooperative round table brainstorm.
For more information about process writing, see the KIP Teacher Manual: Section 9.
To enhance the teaching content, teachers can exercise their professional judgment and consult relevant scholarly work when adopting the learning and teaching resources prepared by educators and other teachers. In support of the implementation of the English Language Education KLA Curriculum, teachers can also select appropriate parts of the resources for classroom learning or extended learning based on pedagogical consideration and the learning needs of students.