Home Reading Resources
The KIP home reading programme provides students with opportunities to:
- choose their own reading materials for independent reading
- practise the skills and strategies they have learned during their reading lessons
- share positive reading experiences with parents, and other significant people in their lives
- develop positive attitudes to reading and a lifelong interest in and enjoyment of books.
Ideally, students read either or both:
- a book of their own choosing at a level they can comprehend (independent reading level) using books from an independent reading library
- a guided reading book (instructional reading level) they have read with their group (to consolidate reading strategies and language features in the book).
‘My English Home Reading Record’ Booklet
This booklet encourages KS2 students to use varied sentence structures and vocabulary to evaluate books that they read. Each week, students record:
- bibliographic details of the book
- a brief written reflection of the book (sentence stems provided as scaffolding)
- parent/carer signature section
- how the student read, e.g. independently, with a guide.
School Use of ‘My English Home Reading Record’
Schools might choose to print the entire booklet or sections that are relevant.
Home Reading Stamps and Certificates
Teachers need to design a tracking and retrieval system to consistently check that students record in their home reading records and return books, and plan procedures if they do not.
To motivate students to follow these routines, teachers can use the home reading stamps.
The certificate can be issued if students return their reading books and complete their records at least 8 out of every 10 weeks (80%).
For information about planning and implementing home and independent reading, see the KIP Teacher Manual: Section 8.
To enhance the teaching content, teachers can exercise their professional judgment and consult relevant scholarly work when adopting the learning and teaching resources prepared by educators and other teachers. In support of the implementation of the English Language Education KLA Curriculum, teachers can also select appropriate parts of the resources for classroom learning or extended learning based on pedagogical consideration and the learning needs of students.